Monday, May 15, 2006

smork work

My mac is being a real beast right now. So if anyone knows a good mac techie please let me know. Internet complications... For now we have the internet on John's computer. Even still it's nice to have ready access that I can use whenever I want or need to. I haven't had ready internet for about four years now. 'Tis rather nice.

It feels so refreshing to be out of school finally. No more hitting books over my head... No more history proffessor with an anarchist ciriculum. No more earliness.
It's all the more bearable when it's not early. Earliness is evilness. I can actually read now without feeling guitly for not reading my textbooks. lol. Freedom! There is so much that I am able to do now with time. If I didn't have bills then I'd have more time but living on my own is rather convenient.

All is going well right now. I'll cap off all the Polliannaish comments, but lets just say this past week has been, well, nice. :)

I finally applied to convergys today. Commies. The recruiter asked if I had been reffered by an employee. Yes. They can't do it by people's names though, you need to provide the employee's ID number. What the heck! Sorry, names are out now, forgot to get the number inscribed on the back of her neck. All apologies, I'm just a little critical of U.S. culture at the moment.

Even still, a desk job is going to be nice. At Savers I am all over the place, running racks, unloading trucks, cashiering... Bleh. Oldness.

1 comment:

A_Shadow said...

I rather liked the physical work, but I can't deny that desk jobs are very nice indeed.

Just remember you said so the first time you get an angry caller.

Two things surprised me:

Your beef with an anarchist agenda, and your beef with impending and possible American culture.

I don't think I've brought either of these up with you before.

Sounds like it will be fun :-)