Tuesday, November 28, 2006

someones day went alittle better because I asked one small question. that's something to think about.

1 comment:

A_Shadow said...

Amazing sometimes how that can be so true and so powerful.

Probably one of the best things that my History teacher gave me in 7th grade was sometimes just saying "Hi" while passing someone would bring them enough joy to spin their whole negative mood on end. It was actually spun more towards "Sometimes saying "Hi" to someone as you passed them in the hall is all that they need to live on one more day" something akin to that, the idea was based around preventing suicide...

Anyways, it's amazingly true. Too often people feel that they aren't noticed, and if you show that you care, it is enough to bring them out of the deepest of darkness at times.

Unless they're stubborn like me.

But I find I've been a bit more friendly and outgoing since that realization.

Practice makes perfect.