Tuesday, August 08, 2006

holy cow

Maybe I can muster up the sanity to finish my two weeks notice.

Emphasis on maybe.

Goodness I don't want to go today. I'm in no mood to be hounded after every minute I am on the clock by supervisors who are desperate to keep their jobs with an anal rententive manager. I just hope my coworkers can get out of there before it gets insane. There ain't no way they'd get me to sign agreements unauthorized by the company.

Until then there are a few distractions i still have. Like the supreme coolness of finding an awesome band you forgot about smack you across the face from some movie's credits. So 'Low' was responsible for the song Half Light... Muah ha ha.

Can I play my nintendo console on this mac?

I NEED my super nintendo! I need a nap, hot chocolate. Bloody frickin frackkin frunum. How am I going to make it through another ...


A_Shadow said...

By seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

It is still possible to do, I believe, but it will take much research as the union of a console and a PC is not only superfluous, it's almost as bad as connecing a Mac and PC...

vermilion said...

hee hee yeah but you should know my love of exaggerated rambling by now.