Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Oh my God.

Life is so...

Weird. Yes? no?


A_Shadow said...

Wierd is a judgmental descriptor that shows a weakness of the english language and the human mind.

vermilion said...

if you say so. I don't agree however.

it can still retain intelligent context.

communication can have infinite meanings.

I think that statement is more judgemental than the word weird.

A_Shadow said...

I just find that I hate the signifier "wierd" as much as you hate that of "evil".

I just find that the narrow-mindedness of it's application always causes greater fear and anxiety than it should.

I know, I mark the irony of my own words.

Yet I find wierdness and diversity should be celebrated, not feared.

I have no fear, I'm a frickin' wierdo! Rejoice!