Friday, April 07, 2006

thinly veiled intolerance

Ever so sadly that immigration rights march will be going on without me on Sunday. Ever so sadly. The whole situation has to put it simply pissed me off by the mixed messages this country tries to send... hey hey we're so enlightened here with our democracy this freedom of oppression and many opportunites for earning finacial and self growth. Because of this everyone should like us, it's the best way to be, everyone should want to COME here. We get paranoid sometimes that you're going to screw us up so I'm sorry, wait for something to kill half of us off and we'll begin taking applications. Sorry about that but still we're the best and you should want to live here.

Cracking down on immigrants is a bit of a double standard for the U.S.. This country was originally composed of immigrants who had come hard on their luck. All types came. Prostitudes, criminals, the poorer population, and the religious outcasts all came here to begin again. Even the controversial Irish who had the about the same level of reputation as modern hispanics came along.

Now we're all on a population hype. I don't understand or agree with the hype about immigration concerns. Why should we make it a felony to enter this country undocumented? AAAaah!!! Immigrants taking our resources. AAaaahh! What is this Bush guy doing helping them out??? We can't have this!!! They're taking our resources our jobs... Does anyone realize that the only jobs an non English speaking illegal alien can land is going to be the same job that a sixteen yearold qualifies for? They are not going to be barging in our offices and taking our cubicles. They are not going to run for office and "infiltrate" our government. They are not going to be cleaning out our walmarts of food and product. With 70% of the world's resources we have enough to spare.

Why does the government even give legal minorities college aid? Just because it's cool to come from somewhere else? You really want to see how many first generation illegals go on to college? Is everyone really that afraid that your bioengineering, interior design, or buisness marketing degree and career opportunities are going to be seriously threatened by these illegals? Just browse if you're interested in seeing the hispanic education statistics. It's a sad reality of how many actually land finacial security and rise above that poverty. Even the legal Hispanic majority sadly still gets by on entry level due to language difficulties and remain in the lower income tax brackets.

I'm very upset that I'll be missing that March in Salt Lake on Sunday.

Every now and again it is refreshing to see people actively using their minds, showing their will to change something. I hear so many people support the Bush administration and when asked they don't know why. I hear just as much saying they disagree with the current administration but when they are asked oh just because -- he's wrong- you know that right?

I have to say the protests going on in France right now are awesome. They shouldn't be okay with their government fondling employers and giving them the 'right' to fire employees just because. Too many people feel that the greater virtue in these situations is to trust and endure. It doesn't work that way. One of my favorite poems by Alice Walker, a African American activist wrote this poem.

“The QPP
The quietly pacifist peaceful
always die
to make room for men
who shout. Who tell lies to
children, and crush the corners
off of old men’s dreams.
And now I find your name,
scrawled large in someone’s
blood, on this survival

People don't care. Perhaps it's a safety mechanism - don't think it through too hard. don't wanna burst more of them braincells.

Nonetheless it is so refreshing seeing some awaken.


A_Shadow said...

I was nodding up until the whole French riots part, but I suppose that's mostly semantics, right?


It's interesting to see the sides of the argument. I am far from saying that we are perfect, everyone should see that much, but it doesn't mean that we aren't doing our best.

Not that I want to be seen as an apologist for the racists and the bigots.

We have our share, but we need to do a bit more than march these days.

It's getting harder and harder to be heard that way.

The choice comes in the votes.

You need to find the right people to lead, not just chant a slogan on Sunday in SLC.

vermilion said...

Those French riots get out of control. Yes. But if that had taken in place in the U.S. all we would do is bitch and moan.

Anyway, marching is but one motion. Noone really thinks that just physically walking makes a difference by itself. It's just a motion you go through, another way to cement and unify those for a cause.

It's just as hard as it ever was that way, but it's also to bring public awareness and in a system that works for the people it sends a slow but clear message.

Though it does sound strange comin from Mr. Establishment. Needing leaders and all. Of course but how are leaders to arise without conference? Like I said one small step.

A_Shadow said...

Who's mister establishment?

I hope you're not referring to me, lol.

vermilion said...

:) * sheepish grin * typo there - Mr. anit establishment. whoops. So Sorry, I am.


vermilion said...

