Friday, January 06, 2006


I don't know quite what he did but Kenny, my supervisor, got written up for something that upset a coworker. All I know that the girl was about to quit over it. Other than that I don't know much about what went on. I know the kid gets cocky at times, and I'm usually telling him that he is such a guy with all the showing off he does. From what I've seen of his character though, he's usually empathetic and responsible unless he ods on coffee (tis dangerous for the kid).

It got taken care of today. He takes a lot of pride in his position at work, so expectedly he came out of the office completely stone faced went about robotically for two or three hours after. Later on in the shift he lightened up, fast. Dramatically fast. He was laughing and joking as usual but he had a sort of resolve in his eyes. I've only seen that kind of control before, and it rarely at that rate with the same confidence. Even then you can sense that the person has temporarily removed from it , to evaluate later on when time is better suited. Definitely something you'd have to witness to understand and respect.

In between rag offs Alex called me over to tell me that she had the weirdest dream about me getting seasick out in the parking lot. Savers turned into a big twisted carnival and well yeah, that's about as explainable as it gets.

As if it weren't bad enough that corporate decided to start selling new stock for Christmas we're selling valentines junk now. I do mean junk. Little tacky address books with sugar high looking cartoon girls on the front. The little book became the running joke the other night, a really bad one at that. Everything from TWO YEAR OLD'S fun printed socks to neon post it notes. Post it notes? Post it notes! Cookie making sets? Cheap dress up necklaces and a whole load of completely useless holiday unrelated product. Makes us feel really proud to indivually price the things between checking and put them on display.

Not quite as bad as the little advertisements for the book about the company's history titled: Pass it On. It says something like 'if you enjoyed the thrill of the Da Vinci Code, and were taken away by the magic of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, then you'll love Pass it On. A book about... A book about BLAH BLAH BLAH. I've thumbed through it on slow days and most of it is just historical documentation. Tall statement there. During training I learned aboutthe company's beginning and I will call it ordinary. Nothing too special. The founder was too strong headed if you ask me.

What a bunch of BS.

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